Monday, September 2, 2013


Welcome!  This blog has been set up to help parents, family members and Children's Village General Education teachers see what the children have been working on in their push-in/pull-out special education groups (resource room) at the Children's Village sites! 

Here's a quick overview of who we are!

At Children's Village West, we have 2 teachers who are teaching the push-in/pull-out special education groups in classroom 100 (the old Fastforword lab). 

Pam Bergman    
Mandy Streu            
What do our current groups look like?

* Currently we have several literacy groups that are working on dialogic reading, nursery rhymes, letter naming, letter sounds, phonemic awareness and name writing.

* We also have a language group that is utilizing the Language for Learning curriculum.  We are working on vocabulary, building sentences and following directions.

* We have a math skills group that is currently focusing their work on counting objects, sorting, shapes, numeral recognition and recognizing quantities without needing to count.   

* We also have several children who are working on early language and communication skills.  These are done by utilizing simple play and games.  Children are encouraged to use words, simple signs and pictures to communicate their needs.  Children are rewarded with enjoyable items and games as they communicate their needs.  Children also work on simple vocabulary work using photos as well as work on matching objects to pictures.

* We are also working with children on early math skills.  We work on simple puzzles, shape sorters, stringing beads and counting each bead (or pointing as an adult counts). 
Each group works on individual IEP goals for each child.  This means that the groups are often fluid.  The groups may have 1,2 or 3 children in them depending on how the children are doing working together and what they need to work on at the time.

We hope this gives you a good over-view of some of the things the children are working on currently and how our program is working!  We encourage you to sign up for e-mail notices of our postings here.  That is the best way to view all those wonderful things the children are learning and doing in their sp.ed. classroom!